We work with a range of event holders each year to deliver a diverse calendar of blockbuster events for Western Australia. To assist event-holders in planning their next dream event, Tourism WA has created a series of resources to assist in the planning and promotion of events.
Our Resources for Events in Western Australia fact sheet provides a breakdown of the relevant permissions, plans and policies an event holder will be required to fulfill as part of our funding agreements.
It also advises on the relevant timelines for the processes and approvals associated with funding provided by Tourism WA and Royalties for Regions.
Download Resources for Events in Western Australia PDF | 1.1MB
Work with us to promote your event by:
We’ve developed a practical guide to help event holders manage the risks associated with holding an event in WA.
Our fact sheet has been developed to support Regional Events Scheme funding recipients however it can be used by any event holder as it aligns with the Australian Standard: Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines (AS ISO 3100:2018).
Download An introduction to risk management for event holders in Western Australia PDF | 911KB
Tourism WA is proud to support Business Events Perth to secure large business events for Western Australia. Business Events Perth can help you with bid and event support funding, hosted site inspections, bid preparation, pre and post touring advice and connect you with more than 200 industry suppliers.