Where Dream Events Happen 

Tourism WA has a clear vision for Western Australia to be the fastest growing events destination in the South East Asia Region. 

We’re constantly expanding our internationally-recognised calendar of events and investing in bookable blockbusters, exclusive content, community and regional events, and homegrown events that are uniquely West Australian. 

These events generate a strong economic impact for our state by creating jobs, boosting hospitality businesses, filling hotel rooms and generating bookings. 

Events also add to the vibrancy of Perth and Western Australia and provide a legacy of infrastructure for the local economy and community. 

Margaret River Pro
Vision for Dream Events

Tourism WA’s Events Strategy outlines our vision for Western Australia to be the fastest-growing events destination in the South East Asia region. Supported by the ‘Where Dream Events Happen’ campaign, we're showcasing that every month, every season, there is a reason to visit Western Australia. 

Explore our event resources

2025 Events Calendar

Tourism WA is proud to support hundreds of events each year, including sporting, arts, cultural and culinary events across Perth and our regions. Discover them for yourself.