Investing in WA’s Tourism Sector

There has never been a better time to invest in tourism in Western Australia.   

Take advantage of the record visitor spend, strong capital investment, excellent international access, world-class events calendar, innovative marketing and diverse destinations and experiences. 

Tourism Investment Opportunities

Learn more about the tourism accommodation opportunities currently available across Western Australia, including government land releases, private sales and partnerships with Traditional Owners.  

Tourism Investment Insights

Discover why WA is a prime destination for tourism investment, including insights on our economic performance and the programs in place to support investment. 

Bunuba Parks Investment Prospectus

Tourism WA is inviting Registrations of Interest from developers to create new boutique eco-accommodation on Bunuba Country in the West Kimberley, in partnership with the Bunuba Dawangarri Aboriginal Corporation.  

Facilitating accommodation development across WA

We recognise the need to address the shortage of accommodation options in key destinations and to better meet the demands of high-yield travellers. 

Our focus is also on advocating for a more attractive environment for private sector investment in accommodation development.  

Through our National Parks Tourism Experience Development Program, our dedicated team is focusing on enabling signature and unique accommodation offerings in and around some of our spectacular national parks.

Broome Accommodation Study

To address the growing need for short-stay accommodation in Broome, Tourism WA commissioned a study to identify market gaps and future demand and help facilitate the growth of Broome's vibrant tourism industry. 

Exmouth Accommodation Study

Tourism WA has commissioned a study to identify market gaps and future demand for accommodation in Exmouth. The findings will inform government, developers, and investors on the investment opportunities in Exmouth, supporting the continued expansion of this vibrant tourism destination. 

Additional Investment Opportunities

More support is available for investors interested in Western Australia’s world class tourism offerings.